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St. James Evangelical Lutheran School

Northrop, MN

St. James Lutheran School believes, that as a Parochial School of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS) - Minnesota South District (MN-S), we must offer education for the whole child - body, mind, and spirit. Our school follows the directives of our Lord, "Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you," (Matthew 28:19) and in so doing making Jesus Christ and Eternal Salvation the focal point while providing all academic subjects that are required by the state of Minnesota.


Student Handbook  (.pdf file format)

Student Handbook  (text only version)

2007 - 2008 Phone Chain


St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church and School

108 S. James Street

PO Box 315

Northrop, MN  56075-0315

507 - 436 - 5289 (office)  -  507 - 436 - 5547 (fax)

e-mail: webmaster