Preparing a quilt for shipping:

Press seams. Do not pin or baste the layers, or attach the binding ahead of time.

Trim threads.

Mark top of quilt top and backing with a safety pin or piece of masking tape if it matters which end goes up.

If you want curved corners, please wait to cut the curves after the quilting is finished.

Send a yard of fabric if we are making the binding for you (excess will be returned).

If sending batting and backing, please leave at least five inches larger on all sides.

If backing is seamed, and you have a preference, let us know where you want the seam to fall.

Please indicate if you want insurance for your quilt on the return trip.

To prevent thievery: do not use the word "quilt" on the outside of the box where someone will see it (if you need to declare for insurance use either "textiles" or "bedding"). Use my name in the address (don't use the business name):

Pat Siebens
37075 C38
Le Mars, IA 51031

To prevent possible damage from water during shipping...pack your quilt in a plastic bag of some type. Large ziploc is good. Also, your quilting instructions in a separate small plastic zipped bag.

Place your name, mailing address, email address, and phone number (with area code) inside the package with your instructions for quilting:
1.quilting design, unless you would like us to choose
2.special instructions
3.batting choice
4.thread color choice (we will choose a blending thread color if you wish)
5.method of payment

Remember, any materials sent by you that are not used will be returned with the finished quilt.

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